Top 10 Inspirational Movies that will truly inspire and change your life

 Top 10 Inspirational Movies that will truly inspire and change your life

      There are number of movies out there for you to watch but only few leave an impact on your life so deeply that they become truly inspirational and change your life.Here is the list of movies that will inspire you and definitively impact you.

 10.The Pianist (2002)

This movie released in 2002 is a true Story of a Pianist WÅ‚adysÅ‚aw Szpilman, a Holocaust survivor.
This movie will surly inspire you as it shows how during the WW2, a pianist hides in the ruins of Warsaw to Survive the Holocaust and the war.         

9.127 Hours (2010)

Also based on a true story  of Aron Ralston, a mountain climber, who goes on a hiking adventure in Utah and gets trapped in a canyon.this movie shows how Aron was trapped for 127 hours and how struggles to survive and has to take desperate measures to survive for 127 hours.

8.Life of Pi (2012)

Released in 2012,another inspirational and survival movie based on Yann Martel's 2001 novel of the same name. Pi survives a shipwreck and is stuck on a boat with the great Bengal tiger

7.Schindler's List(1993)

Based on an incredible true story of how a member of the Nazi party and German industrialist Oskar Schindler tries to save Jews from persecution in Poland during the holocaust

6.Into the Wild (2007)

Released in 2007 and biographical adventure, Into the wild is a story about Christopher McCandless, a young graduate,who leaves everything behind and goes hitchhiking across America

7.Life is Beautiful (1997)

Life is beautiful is a beautiful Comedy-drama of a Jewish father, who tells his son that WW2 is game. Surrounded by Nazis, The father uses Humor to protect his son from the horrible reality around. 

6.Million Dollar Baby (2004)

Released in 2004,its a sports drama based on short stories by F.X. Toole.
A classic by Clint Eastwood,a story of tough young girl who is turned into a great fighter by her coach.

5.12 Years a Slave (2013)

Released in 2013,12 years a slave is an biographical period-drama film.adaptation of the 1853 slave memoir Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup.
The story revolves around a free African-American who gets kidnapped by two conman in 1841 and is sold into slavery .

4.The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013)

Living an ordinary dull and boring life,Walter mitty keeps making up action-packed and romantic scenarios in his mind. But when his job is threatened he finds himself in an real life adventure to save his job.

3.The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)

 A biographical drama,the pursuit of Happyness is a story of man who gets in an unpaid internship in a brokerage firm after his wife leaving him, and after having lost his life's earning.Alone with his son and no place to sleep,Chris Gardner goes on a Pursuit of happyness.

2.The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

This American drama is based on 1982 Stephen King novella Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. Story of a successful banker who is sentenced to life imprisonment at the Shawshank prison.

1.Rocky (Series)

Rocky is a series of American boxing drama films, which shows the ups and downs of Rocky Balboa, in side the boxing ring and outside. This series will definitely inspire you and is a must watch. 

        Did we miss any movies?
        Which one was your favorite inspirational movies?

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  1. Mine favorite movie is "Million Dollar Baby (2004)" and "Rocky (Series)"


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